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Joyce Scott

March 2016

Photography by Joyce Scott

Jennifer and the stunning Mana. The lean was a concern – but lessened with the ride

I can’t help taking pictures of the interaction between Jennifer and Mana!

This rider is fairly new to the clinic and rode with Liz. She starts with the Terry Q & A and evaluation

I believe this is Anne and Lucero. What a handsome grey – beautiful body and face

Liz and Ally look happy in the sunshine

Great bending exercise – and very effective

Anne and Prime on their own with a very relaxed stretch

Prime has come a long way and it is nice to see the trust between them

A new exercise for Liz and Loro

and it seems to get the idea across

I think all the bareback work is really working for Rick and Badger

On-the-spot analysis never hurts

Devon startles me with his size now and look at that overstride! How is it up there, Elise?

He offers fleeting attention sometimes, but he can do it all

This mare, Lilly, is a challenge and Iga handles her very competently

Iga getting some softening without hysteria – well done!

I could not stay to get details on this ride, but I hope to see this pair next time

Is this Hannah and Wingman? Lovely looking couple, in any case

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